If You Began your association with Might And Magic around 2002 when the last Heroes game emerged, you were probably left wondering what all the fuss was about. That can’t really be found in this instalment. It isn’t as much of a criticism from me as it is an observation, but with it being the fifth game in the series, some fans may be tiring of the format or are looking for a significant change in game play to spice things up. If you love playing strategy games, you’ll find it extremely hard to become tired of this.

The huge selection of characters, castle types, items and abilities you can choose whilst roaming the map means there are hours upon hours of gameplay here, and that’s without any downloadable content attached. I’m happy to say that Might and Magic V has both. There are two things I strongly value in any game one is replay value and the other is a logical, decent AI that knows how to respond. While most of this is standard in the series by this stage, Might and Magic V introduces more skills and abilities into the fold, giving you an almost endless choice in how to develop your characters and make your army stronger. For example, any demonic characters have the power to summon hellish reinforcements that swarm enemies in great numbers and surge to victory. Each character and faction is separated into different types, each with their own distinct abilities.

There is a dense, deeply constructed and fascinating world made here. There are demons, elves, undead creatures, wizards, knights and all kinds of orcs and ogres in between.

You can send these characters out to explore the different environments on the game’s large map where you can find treasure, claim castles and most importantly, battle enemies! The more battles you win the more experience points you gain, allowing you to level up and gain new skills and abilities that make your armies even more formidable! If you’re familiar with other strategy and fantasy games, many of the tropes and features should be familiar. The game is full of “hero” characters and various armies that you as the player will control. Much like the previous games in the franchise, Might and Magic V follows a familiar formula.