It seems counter-intuitive, but Torchlight did this very effectively on the Xbox 360. "With some of our early experiments in putting a direct control scheme into the game via a 360-like analogue controller, I've 'Oh this feels even better, with direct control.'" Advertisement "One of the reasons why we're exploring the idea of a console version of Diablo 3 is because we feel that the controls and the style of the game lend itself to a console," Wilson stated. Making a console version of Diablo 3 is another story however, and the team has been exploring using a controller on the upcoming hack-and-slash title. He claimed that it would be possible to make a real-time strategy game for consoles, but not a Starcraft-style RTS that's up to Blizzard's standards. It's just that the games that we wanted to make suit the PC platform," game director Jay Wilson told PC Gamer.

"We don't see ourselves as a PC developer-we see ourselves as a game developer. This may be the control method we're used to, but Blizzard has been testing the game on console-style controllers, and now the game's director says the game may be improved by taking direct control of your character. One aspect of the game that hasn't changed is the controls: you still click your mouse to lead your character around the screen, and click on specific enemies to attack them. The title is just as addictive as the previous entries in the series, although the skill system has been reworked to allow for more flexibility in combat and crafting, and is set to become a more attractive option for old gear. Throw in cross-save, and you can take the game on the move, too.Diablo 3 is big news in the world of gaming, with gamers eagerly checking their accounts to see if they've been granted access to the closed beta.

That means PC will hand you the most control over how you play the game. Of course, the PC version of the game will also support traditional mouse and keyboard controls. In a blog post for the PC Open Beta, Blizzard said: “ For all of the console gamers out there, we have included controller support for PC! The behaviors will mimic the mobile version-detection will be a seamless experience and many controls will be remappable to your liking as well.” It's been confirmed that the upcoming PC release for Diablo Immortal will also feature controller support. The wait for Diablo 4 is taking a while, so, Diablo Immortal is a nice taste for PC players.